
Clairvoyance by Absolute! [web]

      ______  ________ _______ _____  ___     ______ _______________  ___
     (_     \(__      \   ____)     \|   |   /  |   |__   ___)  ____)|   |
     /   |   \|   |  _/____   \  |   \   | _/   |   | |   | |   ___) |   |
    /         \   |   \   /   /  |   /   |/ \   |   | |   | |   |   \|___|
    \____|    /_______/______/\_____/|_______\______| |___| |________(___)

              ╖ C ╖ L ╖ A ╖ I ╖ R ╖ V ╖ O ╖ Y ╖ A ╖ N ╖ C ╖ E ╖

                      Code:                  ADT & Edge
                      Gfx:                Rack & Rodney
                      Music:     Doc Holiday & Twilight

     Due  of  big amount of datas this demo requres at least 1 Mb of ram.
     If  you  have  OS  2.0  or  3.0  you must have a bit more than 1 Mb,
     because those systems reserves a bit bigger piece of free memory.

                        You can contact Absolute! at:
                        Po.Box 5, 9010 Gyor, Hungary.
                             (just for Business!)