
The Orbixa by Bluefox Games Entertainment

================== The Orbixa ==================
The Orbixa is fast paced game. You have to destory massive number of enemies assaulting you and gather score from it. Longer you survive, higher your score will rise, and harder the game gets.

== General ==
This game participated in Assembly Summer 2008 Gamedev compo.

You can always download the latest version from http://bluefoxgames.org/theorbixa/

This current version is needing updates and bugfixes and they will be available as soon as possible. Of course this game also needs more content and it will be implemented soon.

== Known Bugs ==
* When you change your resolution and then try start a new game or view the highscore list an error will occur: "Memory access violation"

If you notice some strange what shouldn't be there, it might be a bug. Please report them at http://bluefoxgames.org/theorbixa/?s=bugs

== Troubleshooting ==
If you are having problems with the game, look below.

Q: Game says: "Unable to set graphics mode"
A: You maybe have changed your resolution and screen mode. Usually this error occurs when your computer can't use resolution, colordepth and mode what its given.
Removing the config.set file should solve the problem. If that won't help it may be that your current screen or video card is unable to use resolutions what game uses.

Q: Game says: "Memory access violation"
A: This error occurs when game tries to use a resource what does not exists anymore in computers memory. This is a bug and you can't do anything to it.

Q: Game will popup an error telling that "Can't load *blabla*"
A: File is missing when you see this error. You maybe have removed some important file of the game. Reunpacking the game should fix this error.
If it doesn't then you should report this error to http://bluefoxgames.org/theorbixa/?s=bugs

Q: I want to reset my highscore list. Is this possible?
A: Yes it is. Just remove the high.score file and you're done.

Q: This game is good
A: Thank you :)

== Keys ==
Mouse - Control your ball
Mouse Left - Shoot

Z - Use immunityshield, when you have this on you can't die
X - Use pulsenova, damages every nearby enemies

== Credits ==
Programming, idea and graphics - Teemu "temu92" H÷rkk÷
Musics - AK, mikseri.net
Sounds - Freesounds.org

⌐ Bluefox Games Entertainment 2008