
p!co#run by pépé production [web]

|                      p!co#run                    |
|                                                   |
| - a 254 bytes nano game for your pico-8 console - |

Author : pΘpΘ - http://peek.poke.free.fr/

Party  : Lovebyte 2022     
Compo  : Nano Game compo
System : PICO-8
Size   : 254 bytes (including 27 bytes header)
Date   : January 27, 2022


What ? : Help p!co the bat run as far as possible.
How ?  : Hit the "UP" btn() to jump.
         Avoid buildings.
         Run as far as you can.
Score  : Your score (the run distance) is shown
         in the upper-let corner.

Launch : > load picorun
         loaded picorun.p8 (223 chars)
         > run
|   ___ _/_ ___ _/_                                 | 
|  | . | -_| . | -_|                                |
|  |  _|___|  _|___|                                |
|  |_|     |_|         Don't give up, stay Lo-res ! |