
Forza Pal Trainer by Xored

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|                      Title..: Forza Pal Trainer                         `:: |
| `                    Author.: XORED                                       : |
| :                    Date...: 03/05/05                                    . |
| ::.                  Options: 5                                             |
|______                                                                  _____|
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   Well here we are at trainer number 6! :) , hope you are enjoying our
   releases as much as we are making them!
   Xored wishes to thank Team Xecuter for the up and coming support,
   we are looking forward to working together :)

   if 1 option is enabled on our trainer, it will kill system link,disable 
   options, system link will be ok again, this is to stop the lame 
   Multiplayer cheats.
   If you are running the game from HARD DRIVE then you need to place the 
   xorfr.xbe into your game directory and run it from there, choose to 
   run from HARD DRIVE when prompted.

   Now you can also rename your default.xbe to orig.xbe and trainer to 
   default.xbe, then it will be in all menus :) , no more needing to custom 
   add :)
   If you are running the game from DVD then you can place it where you
   like on your hard drive and run xorfr.xbe then choose DVD when prompted.
   TRAINER OPTIONS                                
   1. Infinite Cash      
   2. Free Store Items
   3. Always 1st    
   4. Win All Level Up Cars    
   5. Instant Race Finish  (IGK - Both Thumbs!)

   1. Infinite Cash          - Loadsa $$$$
   2. Free Store Items       - Free Purchases in Parts and Car shops
   3. Always 1st             - As It Says, this option is not like the one 
                               that is out already, this actualy sets player 
                               to 1st and rest to somthin else, one out on 
                               forum sets all to 1st :o\
   4. Win All Level Up Cars  - After 1 race you will win all the cars you 
                               should have to level up for (max players 
                               level out) :)
   5. Instant Race Finish    - Again not like the 1 out already , press the 
                               IGK ANYTIME during the race, and BAM race 

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