
Inside It (ep) by Syn[Rj] [web]

------, inside it musikdisk info file.

            --------------. ____________________
     1: intro,
     2: inside it,                               |
     3: break: old roms,                         -
     4: upside down (by mv)                      |
     5: idols, broken,
     6: break: old hd,
     7: hard to... (by nagz)
     8: detune me,
     9: break: old ram,
    10: kaneels groove (by xerxes)
    11: sad lil boy will die,
    12: outro.


		originaly released on camomille[http://camomille.dnsq.org], this musicdisk has found a nice coder
	(we don't care of the name :) able to make a little interface to improve its 'chill-out' capacity.

 --------------> as usual peeps... are you in tha lame list??? //__---------

Greetz: mv, xerxes, nagz and stv (the guy behing the code!)
        djam/keio, chimera, hunz, purusha, werp, funkymuskrat, zaril, ks, med, ps, genox, krii, knos, arcubalis, 
        drq, ice_raven, /slash0r, aymesman, indifferent(???), willbe, duplo, xhale, dustbin, hunz, viz, vexion, 
	makouchi bento, mryoung, zepsi, altemark, vk, kjwise, libris, marco, tao and xhale...
 	AurΘlie (nah of course huh).
        #fromage, #camomille and #mephtik(r.i.p) on espernet.
	#hellven on scenenet
        #traxfr and #trax on ircnet. 
        ...marlboro, les nuls, les inconnues, maman j'ai ratΘ l'avion and remy julienne.

				sorry again if i forgot you... i suck that much.

Stv on da keyboard :

A liitle note :

Now kaneel has joingned Syn[Rj].