
Phenomenon by Alphaforce

Released 20.10.1993

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                          ║   ║║   ║   ║  ║   ║ (c) AFP 1993!
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╟╫┼┼┼┼  A L P H A   F O R C E   P R O D U C T I O N S   P R E S E N T S  ┼┼┼┼╫╢
╟╫┼┼┼┼ ─                      P H E N O M E N O N                      ─ ┼┼┼┼╫╢
╟╫┼┼┼┼─ ── ─                        D E M O                     ─ ── ─ ──┼┼┼┼╫╢
      This demo was made to Assembly'93 party, which was held in Finland.
      It took 8th place at demo compo.. Here's some info about this demo:

         386 or better motherboard (demo doesn't work with 286!)
         100% combatible VGA card with at least 256k ram
         Extremely recommended hard disk and music card
         Eats up at least 540kB of memory with sounds and
         without sounds about 300kB.

  Do not use EMS drivers such as QEMM, EMM386, 386MAX or something  be-
  cause those will just slow down too much the demo.  We've  used  DSMI
  as a music system, because our own music system isn't ready yet. How-
  ever, our next demo will have music system made by Alpha Force.  Once
  more big thanks  to  Otto Chrons  and  Jussi Lahdenniemi  for lending
  their great music system to us!

  This demo has been tested at least with 386sx, 386/33MHz, 486/33MHz and
  it worked very well. Demo has been tested with Sound Blaster 1.5 / 2.0,
  Sound Blaster Pro II and Covox and it worked fine, too.

  Demo should run smoothly on 386/33MHz machine. It's a bit slow on 386sx
  depend on playing rate,  which you choose.  All  3d routines aren't the
  fastest and best what we can make,  because  we got really hurry to fi-
  nish this demo to Assembly'93, but luckily we made it.  Also our coders
  have coded at  first  time filled and lightsourced vectors etc.,  so it
  was kind of difficult to code them,  because we didn't have any experi-
  ence about vectors previously.

        Alpha Force is looking  for  talented  musicians,  gfx artists and
        CODERS !  Please contact us,  if you're interest in.  You can find
        contact addresses right under this column.


  ## Chaotic Vision BBS - Alpha Force Productions World Headquarters  ##
  ## - ------------------------------------------------------------ - ##
  ## +358-42-714528, 24h, V32bis, 550 MB hdd, also EMF/ONYX/SD Distro ##
  ## Netmail addresses are 2:227/32 (FidoNet) & 112:911/421 (CabiNet) ##

Voice number is (only 15:00-21:30 at local time, ask for Kari) +358-42-716424

 Normal mailing address:    Alpha Force Productions
                                  Etelätie 18
                          42100 Jämsä, Suomi / Finland

     ! Please do not care, if this tiny document includes bugs, typing !
     ! errors, grammar mistakes or something like that...              !

   AND fast greetings to Matrix/Hardware Damage, Dark Inventor/VSW,
       Darkness/Imphobia, Addict/Topaz, Devastator/EMF, Pizza/iCE,
       Shade, Scaag-Man, Pasi Talliniemi, Lemming/J!P...

       + a really fast flame to Mercer/AFC. Guest flaming from Addict/Topaz
         in this episode.

     Quick note: After this demo Alpha Force Productions is dead, but I'm
     (Venom) going to make another much better group soon. Don't hesitate
     to contact us! Well, gotta cut this crap, so see you later!

                                              (Tiny document made by Venom)