
The Disk II by TRi93

                           ■ The DiSK II ■

                              by TRi93


 How to run this music-disk ¿? 
 Well...very difficult...
 To setup the system, use CONFIG.exe
 If you own a SoundBlaster, the bass filter will automatically be enabled, you
 can disable it with the parameter -b in command line.
 Then, you can run THEDISK.exe. Press any key to skip the first screen...

 Some CrediTs...

 Sound system routs : VangeliSTeam / VT 1.2b
 GFX routs : Xlib by Tristan Tarrant
 S3M tunes tracked with FC's Scream Tracker 3.01beta
 GfX : PCU
 Code : Hornet & PCU
 Music : Hornet & PCU

 Fast greets, to : Bliss, Stef/Xdr, StephST
 HoW tO coNtaCt uS ¿?

 snail-mail :  (PCU)                            (HorneT)
               MAHé Gaël                        MiOSGA Claudio
               39 les grands parcs              27 les grands parcs
               44117 St André des Eaux          44117 St André des Eaux
               [fRAnCe]                         [fRAnCe]

 or... you can contact us on 3615 RTEL server....bal Hornet
