
modex by VLA

       ╓───────── (% Welcome To Another VLA Presentation %) ─────────╖
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───────────────────────────  VLA Members Are  ────────────────────────────────

                         (⌐ Draeden - Main Coder ¬)
                          (⌐ Priest - Coder/Art ¬)
                      (⌐ Lithium - Coder/Ideas/Art ¬)
                (⌐ Desolation - Art/Ideas/PR/BBS/Organizer ¬)
                     (⌐ The Kabal - What does he do? ¬)
                        (⌐ The Finn - Mods/Sounds ¬)


   ╓─────────────────── Contact Us On These Boards: ──────────────────────╖
   ║                                                                      ║
   ║     Phantasm BBS .................................. (206) 232-5912   ║
   ║     Metro Holografix .............................. (619) 277-9016   ║
   ║                                                                      ║

                        Or Email Us via Internet:

                  Finger: vla@carson.u.washington.edu
                 Draeden    : draeden@u.washington.edu
                 Desolation : decko@u.washington.edu
                 Lithium    : lithium@u.washington.edu
                 The Kabal  : tkabal@carson.u.washington.edu
                 The Finn   : agrier@gompers.gompers.edu

If you have any interest in programming, demos, music, art, or anything, please
 call Phantasm.  We are trying to get all the programming talent in one place
                      for us all to learn a bit more!