
toptiny redexit by Calodox

                                           yu// id iz: blow<
toptiny redexit by calodox                                  \

opt. geforce2 ++-
  t- p3 1 ghz ++                                     TeleTextLineDraw
tnt2 matrox and the likes wont do couz o lines.           Webdings
just    wont.  sorry.                     TeleTextLineDrawDH
f1< toggles fullscreen                 Monotype Corsiva
esc> exits                       Wingdings                Franklin Gothic Medium
y_e ¿s it loops. let it loop. atleast 4 times. it's diferent.
C its not _really_ a loop. it just looks and feels and tastes and smells like one.
                                       /                muzzle
i dont care you care because he doesnt.
          cunning                      1
add. cred_!./- 4                       ))
ld0d - synth                          (  {
dake + alkama - texture loader. (+debug)  \ _=     '''
the nehe dude who did the fonts tut (lesson13) - couz it was very much copy paste.
and the FerreroRocher dⁿd that did their packer - i used it, so what? sue me.
                     filter              pack             rDma
ps.calodox.org // www.calodox.org // demoo.calodox.org // life.calodox.org
ps.tpolm.org // www.tpolm.org // www.tpolm.com // enoughrecords.com
                fit                   phone               #
i did greet . you just didnt noticet.              /   =                  {{
%&                     .                       ----$
i love who i love and i don't who i don't because i just do and don't.
(yeh you included)    . .            you know what really bugs me?
  -        spatula       .                    -.- right..
furthermore i do not love kid606 despite his claims.
i do love bj÷rk though, but hδiwho doesnt...
and antan Σnarivo has a dotfulll galeriiΣ of dismembered leadership grhphicΣ.
new and waiting to be spritepopped sumwhere around noon.
     claim                                                      endorse
nisse claims the vicious attacks of the colourfull rez-endorsed characters will come back. antoni disagrees but he is naked so he doesnt count much. nicolas is naked too.. its a french thing i think, has an obscure corelation with the quality of fiinish baguettes (what suomi baguettes? there arent any.. exactly!) simon complained about it alot too.. they all just complain alot, they never do shutup desp+ite their clicks and odd pops that melt coke bottles.
       """"       -,"                      /&%                home
anyways, the can trick is fun but i'm dropping it. i promised it to someone who will never be mine.
 sad                   leaps of help reaps of joy                     hepa
it all feels too illy n theend of the day rilli.. it.'s like .mak.∩ng g÷d muzick flora /od$er and not beeing an ad cod¿rr fgr a mu/i/ian, the idling most of the time in #pixel is the part no one under-stand-s, but i dont iDle there anYm_re anyways./kaori is two mean florrme to bear.. :/ karhu
