
Exposure! by MindStream

 │ MindStream Software                      Exposure! Demo Documentation     │
 │                     (c) 1994 MindStream                                   │
 │                                                                           │

      This demo was coded in pretty much two nights of work... one night to
 get the rough outlines, the second night to make it pretty and add a few
 bells and/or whistles. Stuff to mention here:

     Artwork : Done with Deluxe Paint II Enhanced, by Dagen Brock
       Music : Done in .MOD format, by someone else
               ("Learning to Fly .MOD")... if somebody out there wants
               to loan us your .MOD musical talents, contact us!
               Musical player is GoldPlay 1.01 by the CodeBlasters.
      Coding : By Chris Shepherd (95%), and Dagen Brock (5%)
   3d Shapes : Conceived and plotted by both of us.
Vector Balls : See Above.
        ANSI : You can tell we hate TheDraw...
      Coffee : Dagen makes really strong coffee. Hills Bros. 100% Colombian,
               with a Proctor-Silex coffeemaker.
 Line Theory : Bresenham's!
    Finished : 12:45am, Sunday, February 13th 1994

     Gee, we'd like to go on, but you only have so much hard drive room. And
it's still 12:45am...

Hello To: Everybody we've already mentioned

ARTISTS and MUSICIANS: We Need Your Help! Please contact us at the following

Chris Shepherd      Internet: belgo@vegiwopr.calpoly.edu
                     US Mail: 2717 N 55th
                              Kansas City, KS 66104-2302

Dagen Brock         Internet: dbrock@vax1.umkc.edu
                   Telephone: 816.931.5227 (must speak english >:) )
                     US Mail: 3560 Wyoming
                              Kansas City, MO 64111-3969

Gratuitous Group History:
    1988 - MHS (Midwest Hackers Society) formed by Chris Shepherd and Dagen
           Brock as an Underground Apple // Clique. Members Chris, Dagen, and
    1990 - MHS goes "above-ground" under the name of Softswitch Systems
           Pro (SSP). Lots of neat little Apple //gs demos released...
    1993 - SSP is kind of a silly name, let's call ourselves MindStream,
           because we do PC stuff now, and PC People don't know what a
           Softswitch is. One Apple //gs game released under the MindStream
    1994 - MindStream's first official PC Production, Exposure. After 6

* While most demo groups have traversed from Amiga to PC, we are the only,
  the FIRST in history to go from Apple //gs to PC...

     That's about all we can think to put right now... there's tons more,
but the coffee's really nice, and it's still 12:45am (long minute!)

- Chris and Dagen