
4tune by Wildfire [web]

                      ...a WILDFIRE production...

                              4 - T U N E     

               ... all code by deez
                ... grafix (crappy) by deez
                 ... debugging (?!?) by deez :)

          ...you could call this a one-man-production really...


      Stuff you need to run this .prg...
             - Atari Falcon 030 (or something like that)
              - VGA or RGB/TV monitor
               - 4MB ram (it might run on 1MB but I'm not sure)
                - FPU (sorry about that all non-fpu-people)
                 - a DSP could also be useful :)

      This 4kintro comes in DHS-standard (no offense Evil :), that
      means a couple of files for different screenmodes.
      VGA100HZ.PRG - This is the warning .prg, it sets the frequency to
                     100Hz which might hurt your VGA-monitor (enough said
                     really, take a look at a DHS-demo and read more).
      VGA60HZ.PRG  - Stolen from DHS, puts demo into "boxmode".
      VGA50HZ.PRG  - Like the 60Hz version but higher framerate.

      RGB50HZ.PRG  - Normal 50Hz RGB-signal for TV/RGB-monitor users.


      You might ask yourself, my the f**k does this shitty little
      4k need an FPU _and_ the DSP???
      - Simple, the FPU is used for doing sine and cosine calculations
        for the blobs and the little text. Using the sinetable of the
        FPU is much easier and most important, it doesnt take any extra
        code (except for FPU-instructions ofcourse). A sinetable stored
        in memory as usual would take alot of disc-space.
        Second, the DSP is used to rotate those little tiles, its faster
        than doing it using just CPU, it could be optimized pretty much


      This was first intended to be our contribution to the demo-compo
      at Alternative-party in Finland this easter, but I didnt manage
      to finish it in time but I thought I'd release it anyway.


      So this is it then, only some short greetings left I think...
      Hello to all ppl at #atari and esp. all at Alt-party, it was
      a VERY nice party!
      Some special hellos must go to: - Evil/DHS, thanx for all help!!!
                                      - Tam/TOYS, thanx for helping me
                                      - Thomas/NBD, I really hope I
                                                    didnt crash your
                                                    car at alt-party :)
                                      - Grey/MB, keep the polish atariscene

      contact me at #atari or using emailaddress: deez@algonet.se

                ...This is a WILDFIRE release in 1998...

    ...and remember, Atari Falcon is not a computer, its a feeling...