
Flash (Zeitsprung) by Zeitsprung

   Winodws 95 / 98 / NT with installed DirectX 5 
   Hardware Acceleration Crd

  Flash first checks the Hardware and uses hardware acceleration 
  as much as possible...best viewing results can be reached with 
  a 3dfx card (umm ,i like the voodoo chipset)...neverseless, 
  hardware acceleration is not duty, but because of the screen 
  resolution of 640x480x16bit viewing "Flash" without is not real fun. 
  Nevertheless no 3dfx sepcial code is used, so Flash should work on any
  Computer with installed directx 5 and windows 95/98/ NT.

greetings (in no order):
   matrix, psychic link, amable, cubic & $een, realtech, dubius,
   doomsday, haujob, iguana, the banner, purge, ostak, terraX, ceng, 
   the black lotus, organizers of wired, anyone i met at mekka & symposium 1998,
   remedy, virtuos of tsec, bomb 

   code, keyframe, "design"         (zeit@zeitsprung.do.uunet.de)
   music                            (virtuos@picab.se/http://www.dlcc.net/tsec)
   the evil face picture is called "smoke" 
   and was drawn by lazure          (sorry...no email addy available)

   the end-picture is normally used as a windows background image...

   the objects used in "Flash" are downloaded from the internet (3dcafe/viewoint)
   So big thanks to the makers!   

legal part 

    This demo has been throughly tested and found not to cause any
    kind of damage to hardware or any kind of data loss. if however
    something bad  happens while  you are running , loading or unpacking 
    this Demo, ZEITSPRUNG takes no responsibility  for this.  you use this
    program on your own risk.
    This demo may freely be  copied and  distributed if no money is
    charged for it.  Zeitsprung  holds the copyright for the
    demosystem and datafiles,  Housemarque Inc. holds the copyright
    for the MIDAS sound system and Microsoft holds the copyright for
    You are not  allowed to make  money on  Flash without the written 
    permission from Zeitsprung.