
Feed Your Machine by Faktory

by faktory

code: rawhed, uttumuttu
gfx: degrysin, reverie, rawhed, rich hancock
music: squeek
booze: teel
design: uttumuttu & rawhed, we rule!! and apologize!! and need a really good designer!!

thanks to cyberphreak and rich turnbull

uttumuttu sends greets to everyone at #jazz.fi

its now 57minutes from the deadline..so it looks like we made it.
uttumuttu and rawhed sitting on the 3rd floor (where its nice and cool and quiet!)
about to go downstairs into the smelly oldskool area!  yay!
don't know how we managed to make it..pretty funky ;) and fun.
yeah, so the demo isn't the best designed in the world, too bad for you ;p we like it.