
Silknote by Division Zero [web]


 #   /\_____ ____              _____               ____                  #
 #  / _____//    \____        /    / ____  _______/   /___ _________     #
 # _\_____ ¯\____/   |   ____/    /__\   \/     \_   ____/_\_   ___/     #
 # \    _/  ./   |   |___|  /    /|   \   \  .   /\  \/     /  __>___    #
 #  \      //|___|       |__\    ¯|__\ \   \____/==\_______/\  \     \_  #
 #   \_____/=====\________|==\_____\==\____/=================\____bLa_/  #
 #                                                                       #

            silKnote, a fast DX/win32 prod for the BZH party 2oo3

    #                                                                 #
    #                      aLain ->  dll coding                       #
    #                       bLa ->  2D, design & music                #
    #            siLken & wodK ->  3D                                 #
    #                                                                 #

   ...  require a capable 32bit gfx card, some Ghz and mb will help  ...
     if the sound "crachouille", close wimamp or other things like that
       ...  anayway, look a bit weird on win98 ... no DX9 needed ...

        #                                                         #
        #      get in touch at http://division.zero.free.fr       #
        #                                                         #
