
MOTiON! by Incognita

 work     : "WEIGHTLESS"
 compo    : megademo
 groups   : crolyx team
 authors  : xiod&cr0ck&lynx
 contacts : icq144967161 or (+375)297318312 xiod@rambler.ru = xiod
            icq53120054  or (+375)296228043 or cr0ck@tut.by = cr0ck
 comment  : see below

 weightless demo
 by crolyx team
 specially for millennium demoparty 19o3


 Amd-k7 1.5GHz^^^
 256Mb ram, actually it will run on 128Mb , BUT...
 no hardware acceleration needed (!!!) true software.
 true sowtware is slow, but rule =)))
 any soundcard supported by bass.dll (by Ian Luck)


 done within last 6 hours before train departure to the party =)

 crew stuff:

 xiod  : madcode and madsoundtrack
 cr0ck : clearideas and additional code
 lynx  : lastscene picture and f%%%ingaround. and messing. =]
         (lynx - we love you!!! ::)