
Semtex Annihilation by Jeskola! Productions

Semtex Annihilation - The infofile.  This  demo  was released on the
Abduction'95 party, which was held at  Rovaniemi,  Finland on 9-11th
of June 1995.  All coding, graphics and 'dezign' by Jmagic,  objects
by Kowtow, music by Sulphur/Orange, music replay by Asmu/Wild Light.

Message to AAP/Acme:  In case you'll  review  this intro in the next
issue of  Imphobia,  could  you  please  write correct  credits this
time? (hint: The "credits" you wrote in our Semtex City  review were
totally messed up. When in doubt, and writing for such a  widespread
magazine as Imphobia, check that the information  you're  writing is
correct.) No offense.

Jeskola! memberstatus:  lemming, Jmagic, Jate, iVY, Deetsay, Kowtow,
Betacarotine, Chanel5, Delsion.

Greetings to our friends and contacts in: @, A-men, Amour,  Anarchy,
Blank, Bonzai, Byterapers, Canus Patrol,  Capacala, Cascada,  Chaos,
Codenation, Coma, Complex, CompSex Media Traps, Core Image, Crypton,
Cute, Electromotive Force, Fascination, Flatline Productions,Gollum,
Grif, HiRMU, Hybrid, Impact Studios,  Inapt, Infiny,  Insane, Inter-
amnia, Jamm, Jormas, Just For Fun, KLF, Legend Design, Logic Design,
MFC,  Majic 12,  Mindprobe,  Nordic Vision,  Orange,  Plant,  Prime,
Proxima, Remal, Shock, Sonic, Styx, Symptom,  The Coexistence, Topaz
Beerline, Tribal,  Valhalla,  Virtual Visions, Wild Light,  Xography
and Zuul Desing.

Questions? Anything? Contacts us! Mail lemming(lemming@jybox.jyu.fi)
for questions about the group and the productions, or mail questions
concerning the code etc to Jmagic (japehe@jyu.fi).

Surfing on the waves of Internet?  Check out Jmagic's WWW Page:

Pastel shades are joke.