
Orgonakkumulator by Haujobb

       ________   ____________________    ______     __________________
       \      /___\______  /    /   _/___/    _/_____\_____   \_____   \
       /    _/    /   __  /    /   /    /    /       /    /  _/    /  _/
      /    __    /     / /    /   /    /    /   /   /    /   /    /    \
    _/     /   _/     /_/        /        _/      _/       _/    /     /
    \_____/    \_____/ \________/    _____\_______\______  \______    /
         /_____/    /_____/    \_____/                 /____/x×x/____/

            m e k k a   s y m p o s i u m   p s x   c o m p o   # 1

                       o r g o n a k k u m u l a t o r

1. if you have an older version of cdrwin (3.7 and below):
   convert the mp3 into a wave file and rename it to orgonakkumulator.wav
   and change the cue-sheet line 4 to:


2. load cdrwin

3. click on write cd

4. load cue sheed

5. click on start

6. eject the cd

7. put the cd in your psx

8. watch the demo