
Relievo by Agravedict

Short:    Relievo - AVD's 64k-intro at RushHours'98
Author:   Agravedict (Various, see below)
Uploader: Volmer^Agravedict (volmer@vip.cybercity.dk)
Type:     demo/aga

           ----==¦¡!¦¡!¦ Agravedict:World:Domination ¦!¡¦!¡¦==----

           __________________________      _______________________
           \  __ \  ___\ ___ \  __ \ \    / / __/    /  /   /    /
            \ \ \ \ \____\__\ \ \ \ \ \  / / /_  // /  / __/  __/
             \ \-\ \  __ \     \ \-\ \ \/ / __/ // /  / /_   /
              \ \-\ \ \_\ \  \  \ \-\ \  / /__ // /  /   /  /
               \_\ \_\_____\__\__\_\ \_\/____/___/__/___/__/
                            [A g r a V e D i c t]
                               p r e s e n t s

                 --- a 64k intro for Rush Hours'98 called ---

                                .code Booster
                                .msx  Norm
                                .gfx  Moniq

      We started to make this intro 1 week before we went to Rush Hours'98.
                    *****Run Setpatch before executing*****

            ----==¦¡!¦¡!¦ Agravedict:World:Domination ¦!¡¦!¡¦==----