
apni by Image!

Ohno! another Pentium needed Intro in other words an APNI AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

FyR/iMAGE! presents APNI

Why can't I get a decent framerate?
 - All routines, well most routines, are optimised in size, so I didn't
   care 4 an extra mul
 - If there is time, and a little size left, I will speedopti it a little.
   There was some time left, but I still didnït speedopti it :)
 - the texturemapper has 2 div's a line. If I removed those 
   two divs I couldn't call it apni, or could I.
What 4Kb I thought it was a 64Kb...
 - Well coding is an art. This is only my 3rd 4Kb (my first two
   werenït finished in time), so I have a little experience with 4Kb
   coding. (drinking, cause I have everything to thank to my bottle
   of wodka :)
 - materialmaking
 - materialmorphing
 - timer
 - texturemapping
 - normalvectorcalculation
 - object manipulating (morphing)
 - object creating (sphere/torus)
 - sort
 - hide face
 - 2dbump
 - rough area creater
 - mirror mirror on the wall
 - a little mars engine
 - Watery calculations
 - Fontripping functions :)
 - Special phong palette compressor
 - Cossin
 - Height calculation
 - Roundtexture (Smooth)
 - a really great Random generator (Creditz go to Cypher/iMG)
 - Lightsourcetexture creator
 - SQR :)))
 - heightmap to bitmap
 - usetimerformovement dubbellepunt
 - radix sort
 - The standard _add_perspect/_rotate/ _drawobject
 - Waitvr :)))
 - and the usual segment editing algorithm
 - Shadow calculation
 - The vector engine only uses registers :) (And it is not speed optied)

Well some creditz must go to some other people. Were it is so I credz them.
The Mars engine is a very old engine used in a preview intro of the demo
BlackIce/SuccesS Iïve size-optied it a little (...) And add some shadows.
So D-Byte Youïve helped me a Megabit.

Also thanks Cypher for his great random function.


Greetz go to people who helped me to become the thing Iïm now.

 Garfield    for his rich support and not knowing what he did
 Zero Dream  for supporting Garfield :)
 Cypher      for making coding interesting
 Quicksilver for still managing iMAGE!
 I67         for being amazed
 all coders  for inspiering me especially
        Nix/TBL The Counselor/SpiritNS
 A.Houben    for making me dance
 Suykerpot   for having Gulpener !!!

All this was done in a moment of 8 months. I wish I wasn't paid per Kb but
per hour :))