
Reality Check Network Magazine #33 by Legacy

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▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓│  ───────────────────────────────────────── │▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓│  R E A L I T Y   C H E C K   N E T W O R K │▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓│      "Setting Standards and Tradition"     │▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
▓│       R  E  A  L  I  T  Y     C  H  E  C  K     N  E  T  W  O  R  K!       │▒
▓│  Founders..  │  Rebel Chicken.....................................Retired│▒
▓││ Hitex.............................................Retired│▒
▓│  Editors...  │  Perhaps...................................Editor-in-Chief │▒
▓││  Billy Phuz.........................................Editor│▒
▓│              │ Krypto.................................Production Manager  │▒
▓│  Seniors...  │Blood.....................................Art Coordinator │▒
▓│              │ Avenger...................................BBS Coordinator │▒
▓││RATM......................................WWW Coordinator │▒
▓││Nobody......................................Senior Writer  │▒
▓││.........................................................  │▒
▓│  Members...  │  Ahnberg, Assid, Blaze, Celestian, Corps, Coyote 666, │▒
▓││Dagashi, Darktrooper, Datsun, Demon, Digger, Don,│▒
▓││Endeavour, Eve Eden, Flaming Carrot, Frantic, Frost,Gang│▒
▓││Hack, Gin, Hype,Hyralak,Illumi Tie,Jamili, Jammer,│▒
▓││Joker,Kentucky, Kornboy, Kuuma,Locutus, Mace, Maloo, │▒
▓││Manic, Melen, Midnight Gravedigger, Mister Digger, Nobody,│▒
▓││Oriole, Pozest, Prozac,Ravan, Robin Hood,Silicon FX,│▒
▓││ Snowcrash,Spoonz, Stride,Sunfire,Super Josh,Ultimate│▒
▓││ God, White Knight, White Tyger,Wizzard, Xenon,│▒
▓││and Zima Man.│▒
▓│                                                                            │▒
▓│  Group Notes                                │▒
▓│  ~~~~~~~~~~~                                │▒
▓│  RCN is the most widely read and supported e-mag by far, and continues to│▒
▓│  report scene news as only RCN can. To our readers and supporters we can│▒
▓│ only say,that YOUare what keeps the group going.And to our│▒
▓│  competitors we say, keep trying guys, you can only aspire.│▒
▓│ │▒
▓│  We welcome the most recent additions to our world class emag.  We│▒
▓│celebrate at being given the chance to work with our new friends.  │▒
▓│Please extend cheerful welcomes to the following:│▒
▓│             │▒
▓│  Blaze, Hype, Joker, Mace, and Super Josh.    │▒
▓│¡┌X╘ë`╪%▌H∞ç........  │ lzv │  j»éå7.............  │  5 │  World  HQ..  │▒
▓│......................  │ ... │  ..................  │  . │  Europe HQ..  │▒
▓│Express...............  │ +61 │  Robin Hood........  │  5 │  Aussie HQ..  │▒
▓│The Evil Empire.......  │ +49 │  Wizzard...........  │  6 │  German HQ..  │▒
▓│Dead on Time..........  │ +47 │  Darktrooper.......  │  3 │  Norway HQ..  │▒
▓│......................  │ ... │  ..................  │  . │  Member.....  │▒
▓│......................  │ ... │  ..................  │  . │  Member.....  │▒
▓│Urban Decay...........  │ +49 │  Loki..............  │  4 │  Affiliate..  │▒
▓│......................  │ ... │  ..................  │  . │  Affiliate..  │▒
▓│    <FTP SITE >      │   <PORT/SITEOP>│< NODES/POSITION>│▒
▓│d$å ü⌐┬π°│............  │ ülH │  ▓└█L sGÖÿà......  │  7 │  FTP HQ.....  │▒
▓││┼ò⌠╟ªÄ..............  │ ²IM │  ╖@ ╗▐.............  │  8 │  FTP HQ.....  │▒
▓│  Greets: │ Hi mom!  │▒
▓▓▓│      Would you like to see YOUR material published in RCN?  Do you     │▒▒▓
▓▓▓│   feel that you have the talent and dedication to be a member of the   │▒▒▓
▓▓▓│       scene's #1 warez e-mag?  If so, then contact us via e-mail   │▒▒▓
▓▓▓│    at staff@rcn.org.  Thank you for your support!│▒▒▓