
Offworld 1 Intro by Reason [web]

(              )                      OFFWORLD is a new scenezine
 |             |______
 |             |      )
 |             |      |             created in APATHY and REASON cooperating
 |      |      |      |
 (_____________) _____)
         |       _____)_____            -----------------
         |       |          )           OFFWORLD #1 intro
         (_______)          |           -----------------
            %sW|            |
               |       _____)         ..................................
               |       _____)
       ____    |       |              code: GOD JR.
      (    )   (_______)
 _____|    |_____
(     )    (     )                      graphic+design: CX8X
 |    |    |    |
 |    |    |    |_________
 |              |         )               music: GOD JR.
 |              |         |
 (______________)         |                  ...........................
            |             |_______
            |      |      |       )          contact one of main-editor:
            (_____________)       |
                     |      |     |          Zito/Apathy+Layout
                     |            )          PF 100522
                     |      |     |__        04005 Leipzig
                     (______|     |  |       Germany
                            |_____)  |
   please support us          |      |_____
                              |            )             or
                              |            |
      with your articles,     |            |_______
                              (____________)       )   Subwork/Reason+HLA
                                       |           |   Radek Hrdlicka
         panel graphics,               |           |   Kralupska 1713
                                       |      |    |   25001 Brandys n/L.
                                       |      |    |   Czech Republic
            clips and music            |___________)