

Degreelessness - Readme Text

Although I have really enjoyed creating this demo, I'm glad the damn
thing is finished! There is nothing super original but I hope I have
done it in style!

I wanna write games for a living! I know a whole lot of stuff. Be smart.
Employ me.

William W McGugan
46 Elliot Street,
DD11 3BZ.

Phone: (01241) 876647
Email: wmcgugan@netcomuk.co.uk

Visit my web page for more of my creations:

System Requirements:

Pentium+ processor, 8mb RAM, Standard VGA or Vesa 2.0 capable video
Works with most sound cards.

This demo was designed for the Vesa 2.0, 320x240x256 video mode (you may
need to run `Univbe'). Apparently some modern video cards do not support
this mode, which is why I have included an option to use standard VGA.

The frame rate is reasonable on my P75. Anything slower than that and it
may be a tad jerky, more than that and it'll look lovely :)

Techy Info

This demo was written with the help of the following software:

Nasm Assembler
Allegro games library
Seal Audio Library
Rhide editor

All of which are completely free :) A big thank you to the various

If you have listened to it you may already have guessed that the music
is not my work. Music is the only thing I don't have a clue about (when
it comes to demos), so I chose something obviously unoriginal. I
downloaded the mod from some web page, but I can't remember exactly
where. If you are the author of t2.mod and want credit for it, let me

The first part uses the ye oldie rotozoomer effect, with motion blur and
a sine wave wobble. The transparent text uses very simple (and fast)
additive transparency.

The second part features a torus (504 vertices, 1008 faces). But this is
no ordinary torus, this is a shiny morphing, environment mapped torus.
In the background you will see me and some graphics by HR Giger (a good
friend of mine). Note the blurring as the object comes close to the
`camera'. This part also contains some digitised graphics and some
toasty fire.

The third part sports a 3D head (973 vertices, 1850 faces) I acquired
from `www.3dcafe.com'. The head is lit by a visible spherical light.
Also features more motion blurring and additive transparency. The 3D
head was originally done with simple gouraud shading. I changed it to
use a method of fake `phong' shading. It makes the highlights appear a
lot smoother.

The fourth part has a picture from one of my favourite films `Evil
dead', and some boring text. In order to make you sit through this I
have added another part. How would you like to see a 3D animation with
over 15,000 fake phong shaded faces? That's right, 15,000 faces,
smoothly animated on a P75!