
505's Blubbersongs by Paradox [web]

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                             b r i n g s    y o u 

                             "505's Blubbersongs"

a chip musicdisc released right after Outline party 2007. The demo should run on
any Atari ST, STE or Falcon computer. Use the arrow keys to select the songs and
press spacebar for playing the songs. The Escape-key makes you leave the menu...

 Code:          main screen programming                 RA / Paradox
                introduction screen                     Paranoid / Paradox
                chipmusic replayroutine                 gwEm

 Graphic:       logo, selector, font                    Zweckform / Paradox
                intro graphics                          Paranoid / Paradox

 Music:                                                 505 / Paradox

--------------------------                             -------------------------
 Signing off, PARADOX 2007                             http://paradox.atari.org