
Power of 8 MHz by T.O.Y.S. [web]

***			    ***  
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*	POWER OF 8 MHZ	      *
*			      *
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* Coded by PeyloW of T.O.Y.S. *

Sorry for  lack of  design  and
the  rest,   but  I  am just to 
lazy and deadline is in 10 mins
rigth now. So this text wont be
long either.

Was pretty fun   to do this one
you  should know,  try  code 4K 
for yourself once in a while!!!

Greetings in a random (No dick-
size) order goes to:
Aggression, Wild Fire, DHS, No-
Crew, Power Sonic, BNS, IMP and
all I forgot, lets say I hav'nt
got the time huh!

love and peace:
    PeyloW of T.O.Y.S.

1995-12-29 18.55 (Finnish time)