
100 0 11 111 by United Force [web]

100 0 11 111 by United Force

PC demo for Function'07, Hungary

(Release date: 22 September 2007)


Music: Sly Spy
Code: Bery

What's meen the title?

The title text encoded by Morse code system.
We translated the Morse signs to binary code, used
0 to sort Morse sign (.) and 1 to long Morse sign(-). 

Use this Morse ABC to decode them! :)

A 	 .-     N 	-.     0 	-----
B 	-...    O 	---    1 	.----
C 	-.-.    P 	.--.   2 	..---
D 	-..     Q 	--.-   3 	...--
E 	.       R 	.-.    4 	....-
F 	..-.    S 	...    5 	.....
G 	--.     T 	-      6 	-....
H 	....    U 	..-    7 	--...
I 	..      V 	...-   8 	---..
J 	.---    W 	.--    9 	----.
K 	-.-     X 	-..-
L 	.-..    Y 	-.--
M 	--      Z 	--..