
Neurotik by Mad Virgin [web]


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     `---\/---^--------^--/___/       p r e s e n t s			:
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       :	       \   ¬|---!     !-\__   / ___/__!     Y _ \|  |	:
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			    `---^-----^----' `--------^-----^---'

                          OpenGL pC dEMo "NEUROTIK" v1.0b :>

		         reLeased at SS5 and shared 2nd place
				party version only

	 Check box 'LimitFPS' mora biti ukljucen! Samo na slabijim masinama
                     iskljucite ovu opciju ako primetite usporenje!
		   Ova verzija demoa je napravljena samo za SS5!

       Check 'LimitFPS' box for better view. Demo is designed for 25FPS so only if
       you have shitty PC you will expirience some difficulties watching this demo!
       	       This version of demo is created only for SceneStrike5!

                   This demo is not finished and it never will be, 
                   because we lose our source code :>

   0LD l0ve never die$! (AMiGA)

   cODe......: NoaH
   GfX.......: ilke
   MusiC.....: shodan
   3dModeling: NoaH :>

   MaD!ViRGiN^ http://www.madvirgin.org/
   VEP http://www.madvirgin.org/vep