
Three Little Goats (win32) by Moppi Productions

                       KOLME PIENT─ PUKKIA
                            win32 shit-ma-shack

Buaa... uuaaa! Yep, converting old (really old) code to windows is as funny
as hangover. Anyway, it runs, doesnt crash (at first run), and it's as close
as the original as I can make it. Now this piece of demo can rest in peace.

                                           --memon  12.1.2002 Lahti .fi

Thanks goes to Chew for requesting this, Firelight Multimedia for FMOD and,
Warp and Gaffer for TinyPTC 8-bit.

As usual get our stuff from: http://moppi.inside.org

the original info-file follows (seems to be readable in DOS :)

│ Demo          └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
│                         M0ppi Productions 
│                             presents
│                        Kolme Pientä Pukkia
│                        [three little goats]
│                         gfx by   JackPot
│                                  Disciple
│                       music by   G00n
│                        code by   Memon
│ Requirements  └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
│  Fast multtimeedio-class pentium with enough memory. Sound card is nice to
│  have and at least vga graphics card is needed. It should work with 16M 
│  of ram.. we weren't able to test that (it almost ran in 486/66/8).
│ Contact M0ppi └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
│  Jackpot   <jmakela@edu.lahti.fi>
│  Disciple  <disciple@edu.lahti.fi>
│  G00n      <jkoops@edu.lahti.fi>
│  Memon     <memon@iki.fi>
│ Greets & Thnx └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
│  Philippe Decaudin                - for his cool invention
│  Borzom                           - for Clax
│  Charles Scheffold & Thomas Pytel - for PMODE/W
│  Alfred & Guru / S2               - for MIDAS
│  Ouside NonSense
│  Inside Informatics
│  PaimeNET

                      (c) 1997  M0ppi Productions