
eleixane by Rgba [web]

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           |   __    /|  \      /_   ___   /_    _    /
           |   \   .:\|   \__  .:/   \_   .:/    |  .:\
           |____\     \_________/__________/_____|_____\


           executable 4k graphics by rgba [www.rgba.org]

                        for Breakpoint 2008


   software failure.speckdrumm.spontz.still.tbc.traction.xplsv

   the reason for the slow rendering time is the 3d model that
   is raytraced. there wasn't space left for kdtrees; so there
   is my excuse. the (uber-recycled) 3d model contains far too 
   many polygons, and it wastes both precious bytes as well as 
   some rendering seconds. no time to optimize it this time :(
   multicore machines are supported thou.

   to stage7 and r3d for moral support


   codilustrating :: iq               :: [www.rgba.org/iq]
   3d modeling    :: marius
   crinklering    :: mentor+blueberry :: [www.crinkler.net]