
Digital christmas demo by Avendesora

HI this is the sinner here typing some final words of good advice(not).
I really hope this is readable on an ordinary st, cause it is writen in 
Ms wordpad on a crappy old 486/33. Well now for some really useless
info about this demo:

Code, ideas, no design, gfx and everything else but music by *TADA*
The Sinner Of Avendesora. 

Coded in gfa basic 3.5e in three weeks, during these weeks I drank 
about 30 halfa litres coca colas, ate too much and sleept too little. 

This demo was initially ment to bee on the christmas online compo
but due with me studying to become an MCSD (you dont wanna know
what it means) I ran kind of out of time so I just made it a Christmas 
demo instead. 

Well gotta get this stuff out on the webb for you.  STay tuned for more
STuff from the great Avendesorian demo factory. 

The Sinner 1999-21-12