
The Ultimate Meat-Thing 2009 by Nuance [web]

 .     .        .       *        .   *
    *       *      *      .  *       .
 *.     __*_._   ___.__*   __._*_ *
    *  /      \*/      /\ /      \ .
   .  /   __  /\     _/_//  /_   /\  *
 *   /   / /  \/       /\    ___/ /
    /___/ /___/\______/ /_____/\\/   .
  * \___\/\___\/______\/\_______/  *
 .  ____________________           
    n u a n c e         \\_______   .
 *                                 *
    demolishing the scene since 1   
* .                              9  *
                p r e s e n t s   9  .
 *                                 1
 .                                / .
  * code:  pro                 __/
    gfx:   raven             //\_\   .
 *  music: noisefever        \\/_/   *
.                              \   *
    released: 2009-12-23        \    .
*   _______   merry xmas         \
.          \\__________________n8y  *
**  visit                           .
* *.   us @ www.nuance-family.de  .* *
****                             *****

here you go! your ultimate meat  thing
is back. and it is stronger than ever.
help us to  defeat meatzilla  and make
sure to bring some heavy weapons. 

this release  was  done in a hurry (as 
always) and it may crash with your ATI
hardware. And it may not switch  full-
screen. And it may not exit correctly.
But it is only meat that counts. 

eh? fight with us!...............<pro>
</fever and flu.>