
Buzzic 2 by Rebels

Name:    Buzzic 2
Type:    Music synthesizing tool
Code by: Stan/Rebels

  I thought I will never release it because there are much better synthesizers on scene
available now (e.g. 4klang by Alcatraz). But I now release it with full source code as 
an example for those who want to know how synthesizing works.
  Documentation is a little bit outdated, source code is not very "clean". Sorry. 
Program is shipped with several sample melodies and instrument samples. Some of them are 
my own (those ones who sound too crappy :) ). Others are:

- chromag_attacktrack_optim.buz2 - melody made for Sebucon intro by Chromag/Rebels 
(with my optimization for fitting 4k boundary);
- generic3_my_version_optim_compressed.buz2 - melody made for Stripped intro by 
Chromag/Rebels (with my optimization for fitting 4k boundary);
- outdream_by_and.buz2 - my failed attempt to copy Outdream melody made by AND.

  Source code requires Visual Studio 2003 to compile. As a result you need .NET 
Framework 1.1 installed on your computer to run executable. If you still do not 
have it you can download it from:
