
JenterErForetrukket by Youth Uprising

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// JenterErForetrukket by Youth Uprising
   - 2nd place at The Gathering 2010 combined 4k/64k intro compo
 . Code, "music": Ferris

// Minimum Specs
 . Decent GFX card with PS4.0 support (GTX260/equivalent/better recommended)
   (for those machines that don't meet this requirement, a video version is
    also available from http://thygrion.untergrund.net/)
 . WILL NOT WORK ON ATI. I'm sorry :( .
 . Lots of RAM.

// Tools Used
 . Notepad++
 . Crinkler 1.2

// Greetings
 . Outracks
 . Andromeda Software Development
 . Conspiracy
 . Farbrausch
 . Plastic
 . MFX
 . Traction
 . Northern Dragons
 . Trailer Park Demos
 . Gravity
 . TBC
 . Rebels
 . Loonies
 . Portal Process
 . Kvasigen
 . Nazareth Creations
 . PlayPsyCo
 . Spaceballs
 . Keyboarders
 . * Everyone at The Gathering 2010 & in4k.untergrund.net *

// More Info
 . Simple 1K with music. It's alright...but nothing big. Sorry for the ATI
   incompatibility...had some extra space; next time I'll try to support
   ATI aswell..but for now, I'd rather just release the party version, as
   it feels quite authentic :) . If popular demand says otherwise, I'll
   try to produce a final.
 . Ah, yes, the name :) . Why don't you come see me at my next party and
   ask? Or, if you want something easier, I guess you can see Slengpung. :)

// Eof
 . (C) 2010 Youth Uprising
 . http://thygrion.untergrund.net/
 . http://gathering.org/