

; thread(bare)
; c64 intro in 20 bytes
; (22 byte prg file)
; reimplements the basic program
; 10 print chr$(205.5+rnd(1)):20 goto 10
; without color changes
; nom de nom
; le colonial
; rv6502
; 2010-06-19
; @party
; w/ Turbo Macro Pro v1.2

	*= $1000
	lda #$80
	sta $d40f ; noise speed hi
	sta $d412 ; noise waveform
	lda $d41b    ; random
	and #1       ; lose all but low bit
	adc #$6d     ; value of "\" PETSCII
	jsr $ffd2    ; output character
	bne flourish ; repeat