
Ethos by Youth Uprising

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// Ethos by Youth Uprising
   - 2nd place at @Party 2010 combined demo/intro compo
 . Code: Ferris, Decipher
 . Music: Ferris

// Minimum Specs
 . Seriously, I need to start writing faster GPU crap. Beastly GPU with PS4.
 . Lots of RAM.

// Tools Used
 . MSVC Express 2010
 . Notepad++
 . Studio4
 . Sonant 2
 . Crinkler 1.2

// Greetings
 . Outracks
 . Andromeda Software Development
 . Conspiracy
 . Farbrausch
 . Plastic
 . MFX
 . Traction
 . Northern Dragons
 . Trailer Park Demos
 . Gravity
 . TBC
 . Rebels
 . Loonies
 . Portal Process
 . Kvasigen
 . Nazareth Creations
 . PlayPsyCo
 . Spaceballs
 . Keyboarders
 . Disaster Area
 . Black Sun
 . Booze Design
 . * Everyone at @Party 2010 & in4k.untergrund.net *

// More Info
 . We made an intro tool! Unfortunately I made it so that the preview window
   is small. This is fine except I got a false positive on a good framerate.
   Seriously, I'm sorry. Anyways, the intro looks nice and we crammed alot in
   there (using only Crinkler's instant mode, since we didn't need anything
   more). Hope you like it. It's time to clean up some code and work on a more
   serious production.
 . We also planned to release a C64 demo at @Party, but we didn't finish in
   time. Well, we've got some cool ideas and code laying around that we're
   dying to release...watch out ;) .

// Eof
 . (C) 2010 Youth Uprising
 . http://thygrion.untergrund.net/
 . http://atparty-demoscene.net/