
SillyFiller by Noice [web]

Release info
Name: SillyFiller
Platform: Atari VCS/2600 PAL, 4kb ROM cartridge
Release Date: 2010-12-12
Code: Andreas Gustafsson aka. Shadow/Noice
Music: Jakub Husak
Music player routine: Paul Slocum

History behind this demo
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Grey/Mystic bytes who asked me
if I could produce a little Atari2600 production for the Silly Venture 2k10 party.
Time was very limited, so originally I planned on just doing a single-effect intro 
with the stretching Noice-logo. However once I had started, it was so much fun
to code on the 2600 that I managed to squeeze in a second effect as well! :)

How to run it
Run the .bin file in your VCS-emulator of choice (I recommend Stella),
or put it on a 4kb EPROM or your Harmony cart and run it on the real thing!

Additional info
Created with Kick Assembler.

Contact info