
Purple Dreams by The Unstoppable Hacker Bunch

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³                    ³ Á   ÀÄÄÙÁ   Á   ÀÄÄÙÀÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                     ³
³                    ÀÄÄÄ¿    ÂÚÄÄ¿ÚÄÄ¿ÚÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄ¿ ³     1st prize at    ³
³     Coded by           ³ ÚÄij³   ÃÄ  ÃÄij ³ Á ³ ÀÄÄ¿ ³     Takeover '98    ³
³ The Watcher/TUHB       ³ ÀÄÄÙÁ   ÀÄÄÙÁ  Á Á   Á ÀÄÄÙ ³    4k intro compo   ³
³                        ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                     ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                                                            ³
³ Introduction  ³                                                            ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                                            ³
³ Here it is, the official release of the 1st prize winner of the Takeover   ³
³ '98 intro compo. No changes have been made to the actual code whatsoever.  ³
³ "But the party version had no music!" I can hear some people scream now.   ³
³ The point is it did. It just didn't play since the organizers had the      ³
³ brilliant idea of running the 4k's on the computer with just a GUS (no SB) ³
³ installed, and as we could all hear GUS is not that good at playing adlib  ³
³ in native mode, now is it? They had planned to rerun the intro WITH music  ³
³ during the prize ceremony (that was, if they could get the adlib to work   ³
³ at all), but since the prize ceremony was already delayed a LOT, that did  ³
³ not happen. Well, too bad. I guess I would have liked to hear the music    ³
³ on a >2000watts music system, but hey.... the party still ruled!           ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                                                                  ³
³ Manual  ³                                                                  ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                                                  ³
³ Oooh, it's soooo very difficult. Go the the right directory, type PDREAMS, ³
³ slam ENTER, and tataaaa! It will work! No vesa needed, no windows wanted   ³
³ (although it will probably run just fine with it), adlib compatible sound- ³
³ card optional. And if you are really starting to hate my cute little text- ³
³ mode intro, you can even press ESC and skip it. No other parts of the      ³
³ intro are skippable, though.                                               ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                                                                  ³
³ Lyrics  ³                                                                  ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                                                  ³
³ Here are the full lyrics that are shown during the intro. They are not     ³
³ exactly brilliant, but creating good lyrics with only 10 characters to     ³
³ spend per line is not very easy you know!                                  ³
³                                                                            ³
³ "Fuck the people who think they're cool,                                   ³
³  we are the ones who totally rule!"                                        ³
³                                      - Bookie                              ³
³ "Close your eyes open your mind...                                         ³
³  experience the ultimate purpleness"                                       ³
³                                      - Claws                               ³
³ "Rscpt 2: C64 fans, IK+ ppl, Bookie, Ryo-Ohki,                             ³
³  Hugo, Cloak, Deadline, Rogue, Chippy,Sweex,                               ³
³  Sentinel, Ritz, Inside                                                    ³
³  Sorry 2: Exam ppl"                                                        ³
³                                      - The Watcher                         ³
³ "The End is purple!"                                                       ³
³                                      - The Watcher                         ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                                                                 ³
³ Credits  ³                                                                 ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                                                 ³
³ Hmmmzz. So I guess this part can be handled pretty fast. All coding by     ³
³ little old me. Except for the music player, which is ofcourse done by      ³
³ PSI/future crew. And some lyrics by other tuhb-members, as mentioned       ³
³ above.                                                                     ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                                                             ³
³ Source code  ³                                                             ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                                             ³
³ Well, if you want to lay your hands on the source code for this intro,     ³
³ you will just have to download Tuhbzine 4 (due 3 weeks after the Takeover  ³
³ party). I will put the full source-code in the zine (exportable), and even ³
³ give a short description of the effects I used.                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                                                              ³
³ The Future  ³                                                              ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                                              ³
³ You might ask what the future will bring. Well, I am already working quite ³
³ hard designing Purple Dreams 2. It will contain effects that are totally   ³
³ different from those in Purple Dreams (that's why I don't mind releasing   ³
³ all sources) and hopefully some nice designish elements. I just hope that  ³
³ when I release it (maybe at Wired?) there is some competition, since that  ³
³ would make the compo's a lot more exciting. So what are you waiting for?   ³
³ Start working on your 4k intro release now! The 4k scene shall bloom!      ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                                                               ³
³ Greetings  ³                                                               ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                                               ³
³ Huge halloween haloha's and humongous hugz go to:                          ³
³                                                                            ³
³ All TUHB'ers, Digistorm, Cloak, Sweex, Rogue, Buckshag, Skin, Deadline,    ³
³ Mnemonix, Silence, Dynamix, The Rew, Keynes, Underdog, Sonique, Sentinel,  ³
³ Aap, Cyclops, Chippy, Probe, Boolean, Ryo-Ohki, Marsian, Spellcaster,      ³
³ Garfield probably forgot and who will now be not talking to me for the     ³
³ And ofcourse all those people I probably forgot and who will now be not    ³
³ talking to me for the rest of the millennium.                              ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                                                            ³
³ Contact info  ³                                                            ³
³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                                            ³
³ You can E-mail me at: 144076pp@student.eur.nl                              ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Or you can snail-mail me at: The Watcher                                   ³
³                              Frans Halsstraat 27                           ³
³                              2712JS Zoetermeer                             ³
³                              The Netherlands                               ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Or you can try to leech our stuff from:                                    ³
³      ftp.skynet.stack.nl/pub/demos/tuhb                                    ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Or you can be really cool and leave mail for me at:                        ³
³  þ ALUMINA BBS (SYSOP VERTIGO), 071-5790411 (WHQ)                          ³
³  þ THE FIRST DEGREE BBS (SYSOP CYCLOPS), 035-5244247 (EHQ)                 ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Or you can just continue your pathetic little life and NOT contact us ;-P  ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                       - The Watcher, 1998  ³
³                                                                            ³