
kidney transplants for mister inga by The Planet Of Leather Moomins [web]

tpolm presentanation.

el chico banana dominique burrito arriba.

como estas es suna draco.

hmh. we strongly believe this


participated in a compo sometime, somewhere, when you least expect it.

der credits.

code & graphics by nahkamuumi.
wonderful music by balrog.
cheesy infofile by nahkamuumi.

das greets.


hmh. oh. die disclaimer, die.

we take no responsibility whatsoever of any damage anything you, members of your
family, your neighbours, friends or fellow countrymen ever do, have done, or
will do. nor do we take any responsibility whatsoever of any damage we, this
product (nice as it is) might cause to you, your mouth or internal organs.

uh. well some technical information too. as you can see, this is far from 200k
which was the size limit of the compo this took part in. reason was simple, we
had this happy, cheery and lovely tune which wasn't that long, coz it was
originally intended for a 64k intro. so it's rather small and rather short. so
we didn't put any more effects in the demo coz the length of the tune would have
forced every effect to be shown briefly. and it wouldn't have not looked nice.
but now it does.

oooooh one more thing. the psychedelic effects really require a computer with a
vlb or pci graphics card. partly because they require a lot of calculations, and
partly because i suck in optimizing. well, that's it for today. enjoy the
production, if you can. i know i can.

tpolm. long live the bagpipe world tour 1996.