
Diestortski by Digital Sounds System

A 32-byte DOS intro from the Puppy Farm

Orsheit, Daughter of (((OlgeXSheleza@5)X(AresX(OlgeXSheleza@5)@3)@6)X(((ThyzakyXTheaxba@6)X((KahaXAxasno@2)XRoba@1)@3)X(UtnoasX((ThyzakyXTheaxba@6)X((KahaXAxasno@2)XRoba@1)@3)@4)@1)@1) and (((NiceaxXSheleza@1)XUtnoas@3)X(((GaorneXRoba@1)X(OlgeX(ItutudXThyzaky@3)@3)@4)XOdi@4)@1)


00000000 B013             mov	al,13h
00000002 CD10             int	10h
00000004 C50F             lds	cx,[bx]
00000006 89F8             mov	ax,di
00000008 8BEB             mov	bp,bx
0000000A 0940C7           or	[bx+si-39h],ax
0000000D 00B94001         add	[bx+di+0140h],bh
00000011 4B               dec	bx
00000012 04D0             add	al,0D0h
00000014 EF               out	dx,ax
00000015 F6AA3005         imul	byte [bp+si+0530h]
00000019 47               inc	di
0000001A 75EA             jnz	000000006h
0000001C 41               inc	cx
0000001D EBEB             jmp	00000000Ah
0000001F 90               nop