
SoundTracker by Twilighte [web]

                          Sound Tracker Demo
                               (c) 1998


        ___________       .__.__  .__       .__     __          
        \__    ___/_  _  _|__|  | |__| ____ |  |___/  |_  ____  
          |    |  \ \/ \/ /  |  | |  |/ ___\|  |  \   __\/ __ \ 
          |    |   \     /|  |  |_|  / /_/  >   Y  \  | \  ___/ 
          |____|    \/\_/ |__|____/__\___  /|___|  /__|  \___  >
                                    /_____/      \/          \/ 


- 3 channel sample music
- Hires inlay with so-called "Not Possible" Colour integration
- 100% Machine code

- Sound Tracker, for all it is, is never complete without some sort of Demonstration outside the context of the Editor. ZIPNZAP is the classic example whilst this little Demo was put together many months before. Once loaded, it will happily play (Repeatedly) until you reboot the computer.

- Maybe some might say that it might have been nice to add some scrolling text, just to prove it was possible. I would say that Sound Tracker is enough!