

TVTOOB by Viddy-oH Soft Public Domain. Programmed Feb 1992 by Mark D. Rejhon.

 The archive containing TVTOOB should include the following files:

   TVTOOB.COM......The executable file.
   TVTOOB.DOC......This file

 TVTOOB requires at least a CGA display. It simulates the 'noisy'
 picture that you see on a TV set, when there is no reception.
 You are free to examine and modify the TVTOOB.COM program as you wish.
 Believe it or not, this program is an amazingly tight 48 bytes!

 [UPDATE JUNE 1997]:

 This program was originally written on a 386SX-20 system, so it had
 to be modified to run longer because the loop was going too fast on
 Pentium computer systems. On older systems, this program may take a
 few minutes to terminate.  Also, you can contact Mark D. Rejhon at
 the following Internet addresses:

 Email: marky@ottawa.com
 Web:   http://www.marky.com/