
Anataus 5 by Fit [web]

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 | |   | |   | |   presents | __  | |   || | |   |  | | |   | | |_||  __| |
 |_|   |_|   |_|            |_| |_| |_|  __| |||_|  |_| |   | |____| |____| 5

Hello! We (fit) are new group from Finnland. This is our first demo. hope you
like it. We had very funny coding this demo. This demo reguires fast computer
(Pentium II/400 or faster recommended) and sound card to hear the music.
Memory is reguired only 32Mb:s.
Some coding - Dr. Pete, Some coding - Mr. Yzi, Some coding - Dr. Marq. We
hasing too also two members: Mr. Zebra and Dr. Man and Mr. Roz and Dr. Atn!
Contact us wery soon!
We have no greetingses now, but we want to get big greetings list!
Look out our two new releases: Smurffi#4!