
Flashback 2014 by Cydonia

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Cydonia demo for Flashback 2014 party

Code, Music, Graphics by Drift

Browser version of the demo can be found here: http://members.optusnet.com.au/danniib/Flashback2014-web/index.html
Runs best in Chrome and Opera, also runs in Firefox but most of the scenes run slow for some reason.

The reason for this demo is due to coming to a point in my life where I stopped to think about where I am at, where
I had come from and the direction I was headed. I have worked a few different jobs and had a lot of fun over the years
but never felt totally happy with what I was doing. When I thought about all the choices I had made, the biggest regret
was that I stopped doing one of the things I loved when I was young, programing computers.

I decided to learn how to program again so that I could possibly find a new career working with computers. As I started
to write code, all the memories came back of the time spent playing with my C64 and Amiga computers. I also remembered
all the cool people I had met in my short time in the demo scene, some friendships that lasted for many years.

After doing some searching on the internet I was delighted to find the demo scene was still alive and that many of the
people were still around from years ago. I decided to try and get in touch with old friends and it was great to speak to
them and even some new people who I never met before.

I began making some basic demo-ish routines almost as soon as I started to program again, and then when I found out about
the Flashback party I decided to try and put a small demo together. The code not good, honestly I had no idea what I
was doing when I started this. It is certainly not a good example of a modern demo but it does have a lot of my feeling
put into it and it made me very happy just to do this sort of thing again.

Unfortunately I couldn't make it to this years Flashback party but I will be making a special effort to attend the
next party. I have to say thanks to everyone who has taken the time to talk to me and the people who have helped me
and encouraged me.

Special thanks to Mel aka Astroboy from Pearl, Serkul from Cydonia, Krion from Digital Access (ex Cydonia) and also to
Reload from Defame who helped me make sure my demo would run ok on the compo machine.

I really do love talking about anything to do with computers and music, and of course anything to do with the demo scene.
Don't be shy and please contact me to chat and share ideas (it's lonely here in Adelaide). I would really love to get
in touch with all the old Cydonia members, even if its just to say hi and see what everyone is up to these days.

I would also be interested in working with other people on future productions for PC, Amiga and C64. If you are a coder,
musician or graphics artist and would like to work on something please contact me. I do have some music available in
various formats (wav/mp3, tracker, SID) if anybody is looking for something to use in their productions.

Best ways to contact me are via -
Email: jeffsymons101@gmail.com
Google Hangouts: jeffsymons101@gmail.com
Skype: jeff.r.symons
Facebook: Drift Cydonia

Thanks for reading if you made it this far.