
Indie vibes by kiki-prods [web]

	Kiki Productions. and Cubic-Lemon presents :                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
    ____          ___          _    ___ __             
   /  _/___  ____/ (_)__      | |  / (_) /_  ___  _____
   / // __ \/ __  / / _ \_____| | / / / __ \/ _ \/ ___/
 _/ // / / / /_/ / /  __/_____/ |/ / / /_/ /  __(__  ) 
/___/_/ /_/\__,_/_/\___/      |___/_/_.___/\___/____/  
	105 110 100 105 101 032 118 105 098 101 115
					in 08 / 2015

	An interractive voxel-musics-disk containing 6 songs		
	Un voxel-musics-disk interractif contenant 6 morceaux
	Réalisé en 1 mois / Realised in 1 month

The team :

	3D, 2d : Tawny
	Musics : Stailer and Magmavander
Stailer : 		https://soundcloud.com/stailer

Magmavander :   http://www.buzztunes.org/music/magmavander

Cubic lemon : 	http://www.cubic-lemon.net/

Greetz to :
adinpsz m4nkind Sector one Xmen Coccon Ukonx 
Popsy team Kstorm Universe Woodtower Skarla B.O.S 
X-Men syn[RJ], JFF...demomakers over the world

nous rejoindre ? / Join us

Move with arrows / esc to quit, change langage and volume

(c)Copyright Kiki-Prods! 2015, all right reserved.