
Heidi - The Game by Rising Sun

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 </- ---------------(/______/_____\-------|______ /_\)--- -\>
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      :_ ____________________ _  /    \|   //   //      //
     -+\                       __\     \   /   /    /   /_  .Mo!/aL.
      |   Rising Sun Presents  (/______/_______\ __/____\)
      |  - ----------------- -          _ __ /______________________ _:
      |         Heidi: The Game             /                        /+-
  _ __|_    (c) East Entertainment         /                         _|__ _
      +/_ ______________________________ _ ________________________ _\+-
      :                                  /                            :
             :_ __________________________________________________________ _:
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   __(__/_   |    Country .....: Europe            Language ..: Multi5      |
   \     /_______ Release Date : 14.12.2005        Store Date : 31.12.2005  |
   /_____\   .  / System ......: Gameboy Advance   Filename ..: rs-porno.zip|
      /    / : /. Size ........: 32Mbit            Supplier...: Team Europe |
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   |   Release Notes ...                                    \_   /_____:_\
   |  - --------------- -                                    |     /___|
   |                                                         |_____\  _|___
   |   "HEIDI KOMM UND FICK MIT RISING SUN!" Enjoy the worlds   \    _/   /
   |   first DRUNKTRO! Another fine release the guys at supplex /______:__\
   |   lost again (did the actually ever "win" any besides the   /    \|
   |   years old crap we let them do?), better luck next time!  _\     \
   |                                                            /______/
   |   ATTENTION: As Christmas is closing in again, we thought it might|
   |   be just the time to do something new. So here we announce our   |
   |   first christmas competition :-) Wanna win our secret special    |
   |   price? Then send us YOUR logo for an RS T-Shirt. The rules are  |
   |   simple. Draw us a logo that is suitable for blue/black shirts.  |
   |   You will have no restrictions otherwise, so you can choose what-|
   |   ever style you prefer - as long as 'Rising Sun' is written some-|
   |   where. Also bear in mind that the size/resolution has to be     |
   |   large enough to be used for printing the Shirts. The winner gets|
   |   one of the Shirts + a cool secret prize aswell! So get going and|
   |   send us your results to our E-mail adress listed below *UNTIL   |
   |   DEC. 24th!* Good luck!                                          |
   |                                                                   |
   |   RS 2005 - Porno & Booze for the masses!                         |
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      .\__  /  /   /.______\  /|   /   /   /    Group News ...      |
   :__|_____\  \____| ---/_________\   ___/------------------- -/>  |
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   |                                                                |
   |  English ...                                                   |
   | - --------- -                                                  |
   |                                                                |
   |  If you have free time during weekdays, and live near a        |
   |  gameshop such as eb, saturn, mediamarkt, babbages, gamestop   |
   |  or similar, we need you!                                      |
   |  If you work at a videogame magazine/distributor/etc and got   |
   |  access to (pre-)retail gba, ps2, xbox or gamecube games.      |
   |                                                                |
   |  If you live in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai, Thailand or       |
   |  similar asian locations and either got access to new pirate   |
   |  carts (d-version) or live near a videogame retail shop, apply |
   |  aswell!                                                       |
   |                                                                |
   |  There currently are no open position for sites, dont bother.  |
   |                                                                |
   |  Mails in english and/or japanese are ok.                      |
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   |  Get in touch with us: rs2005@hushmail.com                     |
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   |  Nihongo ...                                                   |
   | - --------- -                                                  |
   |                                                                |
   |  game ga hayaku te ni irerareru tokoro ni sunde iru nara       |
   |  (akihabara nado), mataha game shop mitai na mise de hataraite |
   |  iru nara, renraku shite kudasai.                              |
   |                                                                |
   |  release ha futuu ni "mumei" ni shimasu kara, anata ha namae   |
   |  ga misetai baai deha nakattara zettai ni misemasen.           |
   |                                                                |
   |  release shitai mi-release no soft wo te ni ireru baai mo      |
   |  renraku shite kudasai.                                        |
   |                                                                |
   |  zenbu no system no soft ni kyoumi ga arimasu (gba, ps2, xbox, |
   |  gamecube). eigo demo nihongo demo mail de yoroshiku onegai    |
   |  shimasu.                                                      |
   |                                                                |
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   |                                                                |
   |  Get in touch with us: rs2005@hushmail.com                     |
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      |   We send greetings   .\___   /  /   /.______\   _/   |    /    \|
      |  to all the guys who -|_______\  \____|------/________|____\     \-- -
      |  supported us since         /____|                      _ /______/
      |  the start, and to our                                  /     .
      |  friends in the following groups ...                          |
      |                                                               |
      |            EURASIA - SUPPLEX - CEZAR - DAGGER - LEGACY        |
      |                 CARAVAN'89 - STARCUBE - LIGHTFORCE            |
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     -+/_ _________________________________________________________ _\+-
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                 Infofile Done By - Mogue/Arclite 2k4