
Wired by PRSC

                 w          i          r          e          d

                        replace your strings with wires

    have you found.the way.the message in your life.your rotten soul.say g
    oodbye.remove.forget.get wired.replace.the strings.replace your string
    s with wires.wires.there is.a way.silent scream.deep down.screaming.di
    sconnection.illusion.confusion.control.react.scream.YOU.ME.THE MACHINE

    the demo.the message.it's up to you.to understand.to misunderstand.not
    to understand.we have textmode letters zoom.yeah.the prscpresentswired
    at the beginning of the demo is in textmode.real time video processing
    and full screen motion pictures.we have a way.see for yourself.believe
    no stolen effects.i hate effects.you can optimize your donut algorithm
    s forever.but you will never send a message.your demos will be empty.y
    ou might not like this demo.i don't have true color plasmas.i don't ev
    en have rendered donuts.imagine.i don't care what you think.i think th
    is readme file is better than the demo.yes.don't you like it.who cares

    you will need about 515 k of conventional memory.and you will need abo
    ut 5630 k of xms memory.yes.and you'll also need around 645 k of ems m
    emory.use himem sys and emm386 sys from dos.or use qemm.the sound syst
    em.midas.made by petteri kangaslampi and jarno paananen.you have suppo
    rt.for many cards.it will attempt to autodetect your soundcard.and its
    parameters.if it fails to do so you can run the demo using the "setup"
    parameter.like: machine setup.if you get a midas error, you'll have to
    reset your system.so be careful not to get any.yes.so don't complain a
    ny longer or i'll shoot you.for god's sake stop complaining.yes.shut t
    he hell up.the demo.was made on a 486 dx/4 100 with a pci svga card.yo
    u might have some problems with sound synchronization on other systems
    i don't care.this demo is best viewed in a _dark_ room, standing at le
    ast 3 m away from your monitor.you can press esc during the demo but i
    t will stop only after finishing current part.now watch the demo.enjoy

    greetings to mode xix.coma.orange.thanx to pyro.who appears in the dem
    o.and to anyone else who helped me.contact.razvan pasol aka jourgensen
    communicate.i have a fidonet address - 2:530/200.42;and an internet ad
    dress - jrg@kappa.ro; there is a mailing address - razvan pasolúcasuta
    postala 31úoficiul postal 44úbucharestúromania; and there is a webpage
    at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/3871/prsc.htm;case s
    ensitive.it will be improved.                         jourgensen/nov96
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