
Dream of the Flood by The Solution [web]

Dream of the Flood - a 8k crack intro by The Solution

- works on any C64. PAL, NTSC, NTSC(old), DREAN. Like any good Intro does!
- uses $0400-$27ff (including some scrolltext). none of this silly cheating
  with using the RAM under I/O and Kernal.


start addr is $0803   game jump is at $0800   scrolltext starts at $2620

- scrolltext is located at the end of the intro and can be any length, $ff marks 
  the end of the text. 
- $f0/$f1/$f2 can be used to change the colorscheme used in the scrolltext.
- the first byte of the scrolltext MUST be one of $f0/$f1/$f2

                                               groepaz - se7en - dam - 4.1.2018