
razor 1911 chipdisc2 by Razor 1911 [web]

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$$ü+,.     `              Razor 1911  Demo Division                ` Yce!    $$
$$                          Sharpening The Blade                     Rzrdemo $$
$$b,                                                                 !tUs    $$
`$$$b                                                            ,o@$$$@s,   $$
 ,$$`                            Presents                      ,$$$`     `Èb,$$
d$$`                                                        "" $$$l """$$b `$$$
$ü¼b,                     Razor1911 Chipdisc #2                `$$$    $$$  `$$
$$,`$,                                                          `È$b   $$$    $
$$l $l             Type ....  musicdisc                            `+  $$$    l
¼ü`d¼              Date ....  09-25-02                              ;  $$$
d$¼`                                                               `   $$$    :
$`                 Code ....  BlackPanther                              `4$,  :
$                  Music ...  see below                                 $, `$$,
$,                 Design ..  look inside                              $$$  $$$
 È$,                                                                   $$$  $$$
$b.È$,                                                                 $$$  $$$
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:$`                                Notes                                   `$$,
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$$l   just another MusicDisc from the heroes behind Razor1911           ,$$`  .
$$l                                                             	,$$`  .
$$l   HUGE thanks to all contributors!, especially Bp, dubmood          ,$$`  .
$$l   and marisa who really worked. their asses off and without         ,$$`  .
$$l   them it wouldnt have been possible, also to all members of        ,$$`  .
$$l   our team and all the guestreleasers who continue to               ,$$`  .
$$l   contribute to the scene. biG uPZ!                                 ,$$`  .
$$l                                                                     ,$$`  .
$$l   Tracklist below....                                               ,$$`  .
$$l                                                                     ,$$`  .
$$l    Loopin'  Leekes!......................................Kootie     ,$$`  .
$$l    Lookie StefanoII......................................Kootie     ,$$`  .
$$l    Hmmm............................................JosSs & Yero     ,$$`  .
$$l    .methodyne...............................................blz     ,$$`  .
$$l    ST-Style...................................zabutom & dubmood     ,$$`  .
$$l    HappyNext..............................................JosSs     ,$$`  .
$$l    pr0nmonkey.............................................sinny     ,$$`  .
$$l    oxpytt..............................................Ghidorah     ,$$`  .
$$l    KRUT fotboll.........................................Dubmood     ,$$`  .
$$l    extralife..............................................JosSs     ,$$`  .
$$l    golden reciver........................................kootie     ,$$`  .
$$l    Ida's hashkaka.......................................dubmood     ,$$`  .
$$l    0xx000........................................2pac & dubmood     ,$$`  .
$$l    Hurdy Gurdy............................................JosSs     ,$$`  .
$$l    from summer to winter...............................Ghidorah     ,$$`  .
$$l    Goodnight birdies........................................blz     ,$$`  .
$$l    whispering moments.......................................blz     ,$$`  .
$$l    Toilet Story 5......................................Ghidorah     ,$$`  .
$$l    Forest Of Kihatri....................................mrdeath     ,$$`  .
$$l    iNDeFeCTioN............................................JosSs     ,$$`  .
$$l    Feel Of Hope........................................Paledeth     ,$$`  .
$$l    Ninjaflood start school..............................dubmood     ,$$`  .
$$l    GS3D.................................................Zabutom     ,$$`  .
$$l    wings over dunwyn....................................arachno     ,$$`  .
$$l                                                                     ,$$`  .
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""""ü$$$b                         Contact                          `+,.+$¼`$$
     $$$`                         ~~~~~~~                            ,._   ,$$
 .,d$¼`               We are always looking for skilled              Î$lll .$$$
d$$l                  coders, musicians and artists. If              Î$ll  &$$'
$$$l                  you think you have what it takes               $$ll .$$7
`$$$ .sS  ,           to be part of our team, feel free              $ll  &$$':
  `$ $¼` `.4¼         to contact us.                                 ll` .$$7 .
   ```do.`o,.` ``                                                    ll  &$$' :
.s@ o`¼$   `                                                        l` .$$7  .
 $$b `ü                                                              l  &$$'  :
$$$                       http://www.razordemo.com                   ` .$$7
$$$                                                                    &$$'   .
$$$             [ RAZOR 1911 DEMO ::: SHARPENING THE BLADE ]           $$$$$$$b
""""""ü¼$$$$b,..                                               ..,d$$$$¼ü""""""
$$$                                   /\                                    $$$
"""""""""""ü¼$$$$b      Razor 1911   /__\   Since 1985       d$$$$¼ü"""""""""""
            ,$$$$$                  /\  /\                   $$$$$,
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    " """ü$$$$:                                                 :$$$$ü""" "
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***************NEWSFLASH: Zombie, Hulster and Marisa got******************
*************married and it brought peace to the middle east**************