
Just Jack by Joker [web]

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                              J   O   K   E   R

                        P   R   E   S   E   N   T   S 

                          --- J u s t   J a c k ---

                           4kB Procedural Graphics

                              Atari ST with 1MB

                        C o n t r i b u t i o n   t o
                      S i l l y  V e n t u r e  2 k 1 8

                 graphics ..................... Adam Khabibi
                 code & vectorize .................. Dalthon

     Notes from a diary or the story behind our first prods for Atari ST:

            01.09 - Yeah! We're making intro for "big" Atari!
            03.10 - But first, let's make sth for Amiga ;)
            06.10 - Ok, done - let's get back to Atari
            17.10 - What can we draw especially for Silly Venture?
            21.10 - Done! Looks really good!
            25.10 - How can we pack sth so big in 4096 bytes?
            27.10 - Great! Vectorizing finished
            28.10 - How about a title? Got to draw big fonts...
            31.10 - Excuse me, how do you code for ST?
            02.10 - So we have to stop at "party ver." as usual :/

          Special thanks to MKM (thank you, Bro!), Szeryf, KK, Tygrys
                  and BJosek for (not just a moral) support!!

                If you liked Adam's picture for more go to:


                   Shrinkler v4.5 (c) Blueberry / Loonies