
Oh No! More Boxes by Joker [web]

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                              J   O   K   E   R

                        P   R   E   S   E   N   T   S 

                   --- O h  N o !   M o r e  B o x e s ---

                    256b (with Procedural Graphics) Intro

                              ZX Spectrum 128kB

                        C o n t r i b u t i o n   t o
                     C A F e  D E M O P A R T Y  2 0 1 9

                    code ........................ Dalthon

     As we all know, the odds of Lemming's dying or living are the same.

        Let's give them a chance to be simultaneously alive and dead.

                 How to do it? Put each Lemming in the box!

       Because there are many Lemmings, there must be enough boxes for
                             every one of them.

               And now you know why there are so many boxes ;)

        This is the first part of the PROC2CAFe TRILOGY consisted of:

                   I - Oh No! More Boxes [256b]
                  II - Chernobyl'86 [1kB]
                 III - My Name Is Wilson, Wade Wilson [4kB]

                  Oh No! More Lemmings (c) 1991 DMA Design