
rocket nation by Altair

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      *******       *******                     ALTAIR        *******            
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                               ROCKET NATION
                            Platform: Atari VCS			
                            code, gfx, msx: KK
                            code, gfx:      mgo
                            code, gfx:      Traq
			original tune:  malfunction
                This is a second demo for VCS created in that 
                team after "Three Minus" showed on Silly Venture 
                I think we made nice progress with our technique
                and felling more confident with VCS platform.

                Of course KK feels confident with VCS since
                always. But he gives us some space with our 
                first steps	on demoscene without trying to do
                everything for us... except music of course :)
				                 						-- MGO --